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Dr. Cindy Bednasz
Assistant Director of Clinical Pharmacology and Quality Manager, is primarily responsible for project support, documentation development, and scientific writing at ePD. Cindy received a Pharm.D. degree from SUNY at Buffalo in 2006, completed a PGY-1 general practice residency at Strong Memorial Hospital in 2007, received an M.S. degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences from SUNY at Buffalo in 2018, and completed a 2-year fellowship in clinical pharmacology the same year. Cindy has worked in multiple healthcare and clinical research settings throughout her career. She is the author or co-author of 6 peer-reviewed scientific publications, primarily involving HIV and antiretroviral therapy. Cindy is also an Adjunct Assistant Professor in the School of Pharmacy Practice at SUNY-Buffalo.

Andrew Santulli
Assistant Director, Quantitative Systems Pharmacology, is involved with a variety of pharmacokinetic and pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic modeling projects, clinical trial simulations for biosimilar drug development programs as alternatives to FDA approved therapeutics, R Shiny application development, and general research and development at Enhanced Pharmacodynamics LLC. Andrew graduated summa cum laude with a BSE degree in biomedical engineering from Case Western Reserve University in 2019 and is completing a MS in Pharmaceutical Sciences at University at Buffalo, SUNY

Carla Scaglione
Office Manager, coordinates accounting, payroll and bookkeeping activities as well as assisting with facility management. Carla previously received a Masters degree in Occupational Therapy from D'Youville College.

Dr. Sarah F. Cook
Associate Director of Pharmacometrics and Translational PK–PD, primarily acts as a project leader on pre-clinical and clinical modeling projects at ePD. Sarah received a Ph.D. degree in Pharmacology and Toxicology and M.S. degree in Clinical Investigation from the University of Utah. Prior to joining ePD, Sarah worked first as a Postdoctoral Associate and later as a Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University at Buffalo, State University of New York (SUNY). There, her research principally focused on modeling and simulation projects in oncology through collaboration with Roswell Park Cancer Institute. Sarah has over fifteen years’ experience working on diverse research teams in the realm of clinical pharmacology, and her pharmacometric expertise includes statistical analysis, population PK–PD analysis, and mechanism-based modeling. She has taught population PK–PD analysis in numerous workshops and courses. In addition to her duties at ePD, Sarah is an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University at Buffalo, SUNY.

Dr. Mohamed Ismail
Director, Quantitative Pharmacology. Mohamed received his Pharm,D. and MS degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences from University at Buffalo, SUNY working with Dr. Robert Bies. Prior to coming to ePD, Mohamed spent three years in the Clinical Pharmacology group at AbbVie Pharmaceutics. Mohamed supervises the pharmacometrics group at ePD, and leads our software development and analytical tool platforms.

Dr. Evan D. Tarbell
Director of Quantitative Systems Pharmacology, is primarily responsible for pre-clinical and clinical modeling and software and application development at ePD. Evan received a Ph.D. degree from SUNY at Buffalo in 2019 in the department of biochemistry. He is the author of 1 peer-reviewed scientific publication, involving bioinformatic method development, machine learning and genomic data analysis. His long-term research interests involve the development of novel computational methodology and the application of these and existing methods to understand genomic regulation, how alterations to regulatory elements contribute to human disease and how this information can be leveraged for the development of personalized therapies.

Yingy Li
Scientist, Pharmacometrics. Yingyi received her MS degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences from University at Buffalo, SUNY working with Dr. Dhaval Shah.

Calista Van Wart
Data Scientist. Calista Received a BSPH in public health and epidemiology from Virginia Tech and is currently working on an MPH degree from University at Buffalo, SUNY. Calista provides data management support and conducts literature data extraction at ePD.
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